Wednesday 17 September 2014

Rainbow Salad & Lemon Garlic Dressing

Salads are a form of art and they have become a staple in my nourishment regime.
The raw elements in a salad provide the body with enzymes, vitamins, water, fats and
energy.  Whereas cooking food depletes the vitamins, enzymes and natural life energy.  I
believe that adding raw food to your diet everyday is the natural way to optimize
your health and eliminate acidic toxins.  Eating salads daily offers enzymes which are
responsible for aiding digestion and all chemical reactions in the body.  Here is my
version of a simple green salad with a home-made lemon based dressing!

 Salad Ingredients:
1. Green Chard
2. Carrots
3. Red Bell Pepper
4. Tomatoes
5. Cucumbers
6. Curly Kale

Dressing Ingredients:
1. Lemons
2. Garlic
3. Raw Honey

To make the lemon garlic dressing, start by squeezing two full lemons
into a bowl.  Finely grate two garlic cloves and add to the freshly
squeezed lemon juice.  The last step is to add one tablespoon of
raw honey to the mixture and stir until blended.

Happy Raw Eating!

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